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David Brown, Kristy Lashbaugh honored with UMN Academic Unit Service awards

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    David Brown, Kristy Lashbaugh honored with UMN Academic Unit Service awards

Two College of Veterinary Medicine community members have been recognized for their outstanding service to their respective departments.  

David Brown, a professor in the Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences (VBS), and Kristy Lashbaugh, education coordinator for the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (VCS), are recipients of a 2024 Award for Excellence in Academic Unit Service. 

The award honors individuals who display exceptional service that has strengthened the functioning and climate of their unit and is presented by the University of Minnesota (UMN) Office of Faculty & Academic Affairs. 

In various roles throughout his four-decade career at CVM—including 12 years as VBS vice chair, three years as interim department chair, and 20 years of involvement with the UMN Institutional Biosafety Committee—Brown has shown exceptional commitment and unwavering dedication to the university, CVM, and VBS, according to Kent Reed, professor and VBS chair. In particular, his leadership as interim chair during the COVID-19 pandemic ensured continuity of operations and a supportive environment for faculty, staff, and students. 

David Brown

“His ability to foster collaboration and inclusivity within the department created a positive and productive working environment, leading to increased morale and engagement among faculty and staff,” Reed said in an award nomination letter. “His leadership was instrumental in maintaining a sense of stability and direction during a period of uncertainty.”

Also a longtime employee of the University, Lashbaugh plays an integral role in supporting VCS instructors through myriad efforts, such as using her extensive knowledge of the Canvas system to assist faculty and troubleshoot issues. She also teaches her own undergraduate course, is a co-author of a published paper exploring veterinary students’ perceptions of their ability and comfort to learn in virtual courses, and is supporting and evaluating a contract teaching venture between VCS and an external organization. 

“She works well with a wide variety of people and is highly approachable, yet extremely efficient,” Cathy Carlson, professor and VCS chair, wrote in an award nomination. “It is impossible to imagine how the educational mission of the department would function without her expertise.”

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