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Tending barn

  • Max Meyer & family

    Tending barn

    Max Meyers serves as animal caretaker, event planner, and team player in role as Dudley Barn and events manager

    Max Meyers (second from right) enjoys horseback riding with his family. Photo courtesy of Max Meyers. 

The role of Dudley Barn and Events Manager at the Leatherdale Equine Center (LEC) seemed like a natural fit for Max Meyers. The job combines his experience working with research animals and his passion for horses. 

Meyers came aboard in August 2021 at a time when the center's event facilities were coming back to life after a shutdown during the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many event centers around the country, the LEC’s Nutrena Conference Center, Dudley Barn, and Barenscheer Arena’s busy schedules were quieted, and the lull provided Meyers with the opportunity to settle in at his own pace.

Since Meyer's start date, restrictions have eased and the facilities he oversees are playing host to events once more.

“Things really picked back up after I started," Meyers says. "It was nice to meet some of the groups that have been here before but there also have been many new groups booking the arena.”

Max Meyers enjoys riding in his off time. 
Photo courtesy of Max Meyers. 

In his position, Meyers is not only responsible for managing events at the LEC but also overseeing the center’s research herd, a group of horses that advance veterinary knowledge through their participation in activities such as research trials and clinical examinations by College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) students. 

"One of my favorite parts of the job is getting to meet so many new people and students, and being able to help them when needed," he says. "The horses are here to help teach, so when students reach out to better themselves, it's really great to see how they grow and become more confident with their handling skills."

Working with research animals has long been part of Meyers’ career path. Prior to joining CVM, Meyers spent six years working for the University of Minnesota’s Research Animal Resources. Research Animal Resources (RAR) provides the University of Minnesota research community with animal care, procurement services, veterinary knowledge, and maintenance of housing facilities for animal-related research activities. Before that, he held a similar position at the University of Texas Southwestern Animal Resource Center in Dallas. 

Another of Meyers’ favorite aspects of his job is it puts him in collaboration with equine experts across the LEC and Piper Equine Hospital. As part of that involvement, he’s always learning new things and offering assistance where he can.

"What I like the most and have picked up additionally is working as a team with the hospital staff and having the availability to assist them whenever I can," he says.  "Anywhere I can help out to make something easier for someone else or just be an extra set of hands I feel creates a positive work environment."

Caring for horses doesn’t stop when Meyers leaves work for the day. He and his family also have horses of their own, so he spends time showing his two children the ins and outs of horse care.

If you’re interested in learning more about renting facilities at LEC, you can contact Meyers at [email protected] or 612-626-6417.