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Dr. Carol Cardona receives award from UMN Extension

  • Carol Cardona and Bev Durgan

    Dr. Carol Cardona receives award from UMN Extension

    Cardona is a national leader in Extension programming targeted to both the Minnesota poultry industry and producers

    Dr. Carol Cardona (left) accepts the 2022 Dean's Distinguished Campus-Based Faculty Award from University of Minnesota Extension Dean Bev Durgan. 

College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) professor Dr. Carol Cardona was among a number of University of Minnesota Extension faculty, educators, and staff honored with the 2022 Dean’s Distinguished Awards.

The awards were presented on Oct. 4–5 by Extension Dean Bev Durgan. Cardona received the award honoring campus-based faculty. 

Dr. Carol Cardona

Cardona is a national leader in Extension programming targeted to both the Minnesota poultry industry and producers. She has an Extension and research appointment in CVM and collaborates with Extension faculty and educators in animal science in both her research and Extension programs. 

Cardona is a member of the Extension poultry team, and participates in the Extension livestock team’s staff development programming. Her expertise and leadership have made Minnesota (and Extension) an exemplary state in addressing, mitigating, and the future prevention of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). Cardona's contributions have helped thousands of poultry producers across Minnesota and the nation raise healthy birds.

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