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2024 Hoof N Woof

Proceeds support Minnesota Association for Pets in Crisis, a non-profit helping reunite pets with families affected by domestic violence.

Vet students practice

DVM curriculum revision progress continues as faculty and staff revitalize program structures based on developmental stages outlined by previous work groups.

Dr. Laura Molgaard addresses MVMA members

Faculty, staff, students, and alumni presented, learned, and were honored at annual veterinary event

Students learn clinical skills

The revision seeks to transition the College’s current discipline-driven, input-focused approach to an output-focused curriculum model that better supports competency-based outcomes.

Vet and students perform an exam

Competency-based education in health sciences has gained traction as a means of verifying the abilities of graduates from educational programs.

Dr. Alexandra Armstrong speaks to Board of Regents members

Faculty, staff, and students showcase the College’s strengths and impact across numerous areas during visit

Alexandra Armstrong performs a necropsy

Building on a rich history of over 20 years, the NIH-funded program is currently accepting trainee applications

Valeriia Yustyniuk
Issue: Fall 2024

The funds provide support for targeted needs at a crucial stage in researchers’ professional development.