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Inventing for instruction

  • Spay-in-a-box demonstration

    Inventing for instruction

    Teaching Technician Team showcases new and familiar animal models during CVM Education Day

    College of Veterinary Medicine faculty members Maxim Cheeran and Wanda Gordon-Evans try their hand at using "spay-in-a-box" teaching models. 

During the College of Veterinary Medicine’s annual Education Day, the Teaching Technician Team demonstrated many creative ways to teach students using low- and high-fidelity models. 

These included the new models designed by education program associates Melissa Prokop and Eileen Kuhlmann that allow students to practice their large animal IV blood draw and catheterization in a manner that improves their skills without the use of live animals. The model teaching horse “Princess Neigha” even made an appearance, allowing participants to show how this procedure could potentially be used on a live animal. 

Other models included large animal bandaging, small animal catheter placement, and the new bovine tail model. Dr. Sue Spence, an assistant professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, showed off her “spay-in-a-box” model and several stuffed animals outfitted with “bladders” that allow students to practice their cystocentesis skills.

Held on May 17, the 2024 Education Day event featured presentations and facility tours focused on the use and creation of models for teaching purposes in veterinary education.

Princess Neigha, a full-sized model horse, sports a new IV blood draw model developed by CVM education program associates Melissa Prokop and Eileen Kuhlmann. 

New models for practicing the placement of IVs and catheters for large animals are displayed during Education Day. 

A "spay-in-a-box" model simulates the procedure and allows students to practice skills vital to completing a successful spay. 

Models of large animal legs give students an opportunity to refine their bandaging skills. 

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