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DVM student Amy Blise wins oncology award

  • Fourth-year DVM student Amy Blise

    DVM student Amy Blise wins oncology award

    The award recognizes a student demonstrating exceptional proficiency in caring for veterinary oncology patients and showing remarkable aptitude in the field of clinical oncology

    Fourth-year DVM student Amy Blise

For her proficiency in cancer care, fourth-year DVM student Amy Blise has been named the College of Veterinary Medicine’s selection for the Bob Rosenthal Senior Award for Proficiency in Clinical Oncology.

The award is bestowed by the Veterinary Cancer Society (VCS), which provides veterinary schools throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico with the chance to nominate one outstanding senior veterinary student. This student has demonstrated exceptional proficiency in caring for veterinary oncology patients and shown remarkable aptitude in the field of clinical oncology during their final year.

"Amy was nominated for this award as a student who is highly motivated, intelligent, and has a mature approach to her clinical work,” says Dr. Julia Medland, who nominated Blise for the award. “She has completed multiple oncology rotations, demonstrating her interest in the field. During her oncology rotations, Amy showed clinical acumen and was very adept in talking with owners, walking them through home care succinctly, accurately, and compassionately.”

In addition to the award, recipients also receive a complimentary membership in VCS and complimentary registration to an upcoming Annual Conference.