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Bee Hanlon performing an operation on a dog

The CVM celebrates the trailblazers and advocates that made a way forward for women in the field of veterinary medicine.

Pluhar, Olin, and Gidget_by Brady Willette

Physicians and scientists at the University of Minnesota have opened a new brain cancer clinical trial and have treated their first patient.

Reinder and his owner Kari Hill

Reinder the horse overcomes life-threatening foot injury with treatment from Piper Equine Hospital

Two students at the registration desk for the clinic
Issue: Fall 2020

On a fall day for the past several years, around 30 students and staff members from the College of Veterinary Medicine have packed up a caravan of cars and made a 3.5-hour drive north to Hawley, Minn. There, the group converges with another set of volunteers headed by Sarah Lee, ’02 DVM, who owns Lee Veterinary Clinic and organizes an annual free castration clinic for horses.

VOICE logo
Issue: Fall 2020

Diversity and inclusion are at the center of a new discussion series organized by the VOICE Club (Veterinarians as One Inclusive Community for Empowerment) at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine.

Cat in Christmas tree
Issue: Fall 2020

The holidays traditionally create a flurry of activity in stores and in homes as people prepare to celebrate with family and friends. As much cheer as new toys, baked goods, and decorations bring to the season, they also can pose a danger to pets if consumed.