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Tamene Melkamu, DVM, Dr. Med. Vet, ’10 PhD

Tamene Melkamu, DVM, Dr. Med. Vet, ’10 PhD, St. Paul, died on Nov. 30 at age 59. Melkamu held several roles over the course of the 11 years he spent studying and working at the College of Veterinary Medicine, including serving as an assistant scientist, becoming one of the first trainees to be funded on the Comparative Medicine and Pathology T32 grant, and working as a research associate. After leaving the U, Melkamu worked for several years as a senior research scientist at Recombinetics, Inc. He is survived by his wife, Zewditu Gunja; five daughters; his parents; six siblings; and his extended and chosen family beyond.

Tamene Melkamu, DVM, Dr. Med. Vet, ’10 PhD