Arnold “Arnie” Follstad, ’60 DVM, Red Wing, Minn, died on Aug. 25, 2023, at age 94. Follstad worked as a veterinarian for 34 years. Beginning his practice in 1960, he owned and operated a clinic in Ellendale, Minn. In 1968, he went into a partnership at Hiawatha Valley Veterinary Clinic where he worked until 1994. After, he continued working for the USDA in Faribault from 2004 until his retirement in 2009. He is survived by his wife, seven children, 15 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and two nephews.
Paul Dettloff, ’67 DVM, Arcadia, Wis., died on July 7, 2023, at age 81. Dettloff founded Dr. Paul's Lab in 1996 and served as the staff veterinarian for Organic Valley from 2002-2019. In 2017 he was honored with Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association’s 50 Years of Veterinary Service Award. He is survived by his wife, five children, six grandchildren, a brother, a sister, and several nieces and nephews.
James Weege, ’69 DVM, Ocean Ridge, Fla., died on Oct. 20, 2022, at age 77. He is survived by his wife, Susan; his two sons; a stepson; a stepdaughter; a brother; a sister; and six grandchildren.
Kenneth Speltz, ’67 DVM, Lino Lakes, Minn., died on Feb. 15, 2023, at age 80. Speltz founded Skyline Veterinary Hospital in 1970 and continued to practice until his passing. He also served as a board member for the Affiliated Emergency Veterinarian Service for multiple years throughout his career. Speltz is survived by his wife, Jayne; four children; and 13 grandchildren.
Jerome Schmidt, ’65 DVM, Pulaski, Wis., died on Jan. 1, 2023, at age 86. After graduation, Schmidt established a veterinary practice in Edgar, Wis., and worked there until he retired in 1991. Called back to veterinary medicine, he began a small animal mobile practice and operated it until 2017. Schmidt is survived by his wife, Karen; three children; six grandchildren; a brother; two sisters; a sister-in-law; brother-in-law; and many nephews and nieces.
Kenneth H. Johnson, '60 DVM, '65 PhD, St. Anthony, Minn., died on Jan. 31, 2023, at age 86. Upon graduating from veterinary school, Johnson joined the UMN faculty and served as the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology chair from 1976 to 1983. He retired in 1998 after 33 years at the University and gaining prominence in conducting research in the field of amyloidosis as well as in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Johnson is survived by his wife, Jean; their two sons and daughter; and their grandson.
Gerald F. Brancich, ‘66 DVM, Winona, Minn., died Nov. 14, 2022, at age 80. Brancich joined Blue Cross Small Animal hospital in Minneapolis after graduation. He served overseas in the U.S. Air Force as a senior veterinary medical officer in Turkey. After finishing his assignment overseas and spending a year in Arizona, He opened the Itasca Pet Hospital in Grand Rapids, Minn., in 1970. He ran the practice until 1984 when he moved to Winona, Minn, to take a job with the USDA. Brancich is survived by his wife, Alice; four children; four grandchildren; and a sister.
George Paul Sedgwick, ‘67 DVM, Stewartville, Minn., died Dec. 4, 2022, at age 83. Sedgwick practiced veterinary medicine in Stewartville for 46 years before retiring. He is survived by his wife, Jean; two daughters; two granddaughters; his brother; two sisters; his brother-in-law; two nieces; and 10 nephews.
Richard "Dick" Faivre, ’64 DVM, Eitzen, Minn., died Jan. 10, 2023, at age 85. Faivre followed in the footsteps of his maternal grandfather who was a veterinarian. After accepting a position in Caledonia, Minn., where he practiced for 15 years, he owned and operated his own large animal veterinary practice in the Caledonia/Eitzen area for 35 years. He retired in 2016. Faivre is survived by his four daughters, six grandchildren, his sister, and one nephew.