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illustration of a pill bottle tipped over with pills coming out

A new CVM team aims to mitigate antimicrobial resistance through a previously underexplored avenue — domesticated dogs, cats, and horses


Isabel was 12.5 years old when she started showing symptoms of acute blindness. Her owner took her to the Emergency and Critical Care Center at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine’s Veterinary Medical Center.

Sample with puppies she delivered during an emergency C section in the middle of the night

There’s a story Kayla Sample, ’18 DVM, likes to tell from her undergraduate years that exemplifies the power of community veterinary medicine. Sample was volunteering with a student-run free veterinary clinic when she met a homeless woman, “Dee,” and Dee’s dog Buddy.

Caitlyn Rize squats smiling next to a black dog with a white stomach sticking out its tongue.

Third year veterinary student Caitlyn Rize recently received the HSVMA Compassionate Care Scholarship for her contributions to advancing animal welfare in the veterinary field.

Veterinary Medical Center's logo

The VMC's specialty services and the College's faculty are bolstered by these new exciting additions


Jim and Debbie Delker smile for the camera under the entryway to their new clinic, which is made of grey brick and wooden pillars. Jim has his left arm around Debbie.

How a family legacy of veterinary care led multiple CVM alumni to life in Alaska

Sarah Penn, Janice Parrow, Rosemary Klass, Amy Giannoble
Issue: Fall 2019

Veterinary technicians share their stories

Churchill examines Contessa the cat

Veterinary nutritionist Julie Churchill satiates the public’s craving for pet dietary health