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A DVM student receives a white coat

Third-year DVM students take the next step in their veterinary school journey at the annual White Coat Ceremony.

DVM student Jel Zhao speaks at the DEI Black, Indigenous, Students of Color Welcome luncheon held in August 2023 at the College of Veterinary Medicine.

The scholarship recognizes Zhao's contributions to championing DEI efforts in the veterinary medicine field.

Katie Carlson

This distinction is awarded to a graduating senior who has emerged as a leader in the study of feline health.

Esther Lam

The $20,000 scholarship is part of Lam's acceptance into the Chewy Veterinary Leaders Program.

SAVMA logo

The chapter is nominated for a Tony Diggs Excellence in Health and Wellness Award, which recognizes groups that have an outstanding impact on the health and wellness of its members and/or community at large.

Katie Kosel

The award recognizes fourth-year AAHA student members who have shown outstanding clinical proficiency in delivering primary care to their patients.

Dr. Lauren Hughes

Hughes’ career goals include contributing to the equine veterinary profession as a clinician/scientist at an academic institution.

AASV presentation winners

Julia Baker, Cassidy Cordon, and Casondra Snow were recognized during the organization’s annual meeting